16 impressive signs you are an Alpha male


16 impressive signs you are an Alpha male

The gap between the alpha and those around them is getting bigger by the day as you continue your climb. The view at the top is only reserved for those who are willing to make the climb. Give a helping hand to those who want to climb with you and let the others enjoy their lives at the base of the mountain.


Alpha are the dominant pieces of the puzzle of everyday life. They're the change-makers, they're the ones who shape reality to their own expectations. In this article, we're looking for someone who is winning the race against himself. These same values apply to alpha females as well. Rest assured, precious snowflake.

We believe most of you have what it takes to become an Alpha, but not many of you will get there, and that's okay as well. This is the perfect opportunity for you to re-evaluate where you are in life and see if there are aspects of your existence that can be improved, let’s see how close you come.

Here are the 16 impressive signs you are an Alpha male

Number One:

You cannot win at life without being happy with your existence, because this reflects on everything you do and everyone around him notices it. The alpha male looks and feels alive. He enjoys living. For him, life is an adventure and he's taking it in one second at a time. The way he's designed his lifestyle is mysterious and even foreign to most people, but it gets him the best results. If you are an Alpha Male you enjoy your everyday life, you don't look forward to the weekend and you don't feel tired on Monday because your life is so well structured that these common worries don't apply to you. Congratulations, if you relate to this first point on the list.

Number Two:

Despite the fact that the alpha is content with his reality, he is active in designing it to fit his desires and needs. Almost everything occurs because you control it and you made it happen as an Alpha male. If something about your reality is bugging you, you try to fix it right away. You are taking action in all aspects of your life and it feels amazing to have this type of control, even when things don't go according to plan, so you are in control of the way you react to these events and seek to get the best results out of every situation.

Number Three:

When you say you are going to do something, you do it. A true Alpha doesn't change his mind and is well known in his environment for delivering what he promises. He's strategic with his time, resources, and willpower. Focusing on what's important to him and those he cares about. He's very result-oriented. His work speaks for itself since he is well aware that talk is cheap.

Number Four:

You take care of those around you an alpha is the leader of the pack and looks out for its members. It's not enough for an alpha that he wins, but he's actively looking to share the success with those who are in his inner circle. He mentors others and helps them be successful in order to take care even more. That's how his network increases. His inner circle is made out of valuable individuals. Which all work together in order to increase everyone else's value. Among them, the Alpha stands out as an example for the rest.

Number Five:

You're winning the High-Risk High-Reward Game If you're an alpha male, you don't play it safe, and you are not here to satisfy on the breadcrumbs of others. Instead, you want the entire pie for yourself. That's why Alphas go for High-Risk High-Reward ventures. They would rather risk it all than play safe. Life is filled with challenges and everyone has their own level of risk which their willingness to take.

That's why most people will never get rich they are so afraid of taking risks that they would rather settle for mediocrity. If you look around the world Alpha males stand out as titans of industries, as movement leaders, and as change agents, where they had to put everything on the line to get themselves into that position. These people are an inspiration for any upcoming Alpha male. It breaks down which aspects of your day to day life you need to improve

Number Six:

You don't need other people's approval & living your life based on someone else's expectations is just another form of slavery. As an alpha male, you are aware of who you really are, what your life should be like, and you have the ability to put yourself in check. Most people rely on others for feedback on how well they're doing. While the Alpha males rely only on data, because, it's objective. People will always be biased, and they will always have agendas, but numbers don't lie. The only approval you need in life is that of yourself. Be happy with who you are and seek out to be the best version of yourself possible. You don't need people to like you because you are on a different journey than they are.

Number Seven:

People want to be around you a clear sign that you are on the right track is that you're attracting people towards you. Alpha males inspire confidence and success. Two traits that make others gravitate towards you. Everyone wants to be on the winning side, and they enjoy being a part of the group. They want to know you personally, they want to be your friend because they believe that associating with you will improve their own lives. Run that example backwards. Who would you like to hang out with? Any celebrities? Any billionaires? What would your life be like if you were a part of that squad? That's how you know you're an Alpha. You'll be that someone for other people.

Number Eight:

People know who you are when you walk into a room this has to do with how you've been positioning yourself throughout your life and career. Any alpha male, is himself, a brand. People know of him, they know who he is, and they know what he stands for. You've probably heard this before but a clear indication of success is to work hard enough until you no longer have to introduce yourself! A personal brand is such an incredible tool to have at your disposal. Which will open doors for you that are closed to others. If your personal brand is not created by your design, you will be left with whatever the world thinks it is.

Number Nine:

You control your emotions, a running theme throughout is being in control of as many aspects of your life as possible and emotions are one of those things that seem not that important, but could make or break a person. Alpha males have a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence. They control their own emotions and are able to read the emotional state of others and act accordingly. While average people are rattled by external factors. An alpha will maintain his cool, rationalize the situation, and act in the best interest of his goals. This doesn't mean that you are cold and never show your emotions. It means that you understand the value of your feelings and don't let them control you.

Number Ten:

You inspire others you don't just do that through your words but through your actions. People might forget what you tell them but the result of your actions speaks louder than anything you could possibly say. Walk the walk don't just talk the talk. Be consistent in your work, maintain focus and people will take notice. Your hard work will inspire those who are striving toward similar goals. They will see your struggles, your motivations, and how you overcame obstacles thrown your way and they'll take that with them in their own journeys.

Number Eleven:

You take care of the way you present yourself, Alpha's don't look like slobs. They take care of themselves and the way the world perceives them. If you want the world to take you seriously, you better take yourself seriously first. Lose the beer gut, get yourself a proper haircut, and buy appropriate clothes. Have you noticed that those who take care of their image always stand out in the crowd? That's the power of understanding that people judge a book by its cover, they do, take a look at yourself in the mirror and see if there are things to improve on. Imagine you are meeting that person in the mirror for the first time today. What would you think about yourself? Now & be the type of person that you would like to meet.

Number Twelve:

People Want to Be You Even your haters would secretly want to trade places with you. This is because you’re living at a higher level than everybody else is. Your life is better than those around you and you're aware of that. Your partner is hot, you’re making new friends, visiting new places, and things are going well for you. Why some people will be jealous of your lifestyle others will be inspired by it and work hard to get it for themselves. Don't be the jealous type.

Number Thirteen:

No matter what you're doing, you're well known for being the best at it. You understand the game, the rules, and your winning, nobody else is even close. While the Beta males tend to compete with each other the Alpha male is way, way out in the lead. Dominating, competition is for losers. Alphas choose to completely dominate. Our favourite examples of this happen in sports where you have a prime athlete like Michael Phelps or Serena Williams completely dominating in their field while everybody else is just left fighting for second place who do you want to be in life? Do you even know who the second-fastest swimmer in the world is? Didn't think so...

Number Fourteen:

You are authentic, in today's world, everything is a copy of another copy. Trends come and go and everyone looks, talks, and behaves the same way. The only way to stand out is to know who you are and be that person. Let the world adjust to who you are and not the other way around.

A great example here on Youtube is Casey Nice stat who combines most of the items we've mentioned on this list to create a new genre of content it doesn't matter if you agree with us or not but Casey made Vlogging mainstream and it all happened by his design. His style stood out so much in an area where people were all doing the same thing that it blew him up to superstardom. People missed the most important lesson in Casey's trajectory, the part about being authentic. Instead, they just copy and pasted his style hoping to get the same results. Authenticity is a premium these days. So if you manage to find yours, Value it.

Number Fifteen:

You don't turn the other cheek alpha males don't let others walk all over them & if someone barks, you bite, so they think twice before barking again! This means you have to exercise your power and play your position. If you don't people will come after what you've built for yourself. Notice how we don't endorse this as being an offensive strategy, but one that should keep your haters at a distance. In the words of Howard Stark, the best weapon is the one you never have to fire, but if you do have to fire it you only have to fire it once, so they never have to come after you again.

Number Sixteen: 

The gap between the alpha and those around them is getting bigger by the day as you continue your climb, you'll realize that some people have different ideas than you do. They’re not willing to put in the same amount of work as you do and in turn, that gap between your reality and theirs will just keep increasing. You’ll notice that your friends start acting differently around you. They’ll start asking for more or looking at you differently. At that point you'll have a choice: give a helping hand to those who want to climb with you and let the others enjoy their lives at the base of the mountain. For those who are willing to make the climb, the view at the top is beautiful.

The best thing to do is to be aware of what needs to be improved on in your life. So you can take action accordingly.

How many of these sixteen signs did you check out, when it comes to yourself?

Thank you for spending time to read my article.

Dedicated to one of my near and dear Alpha V.
